Pictures are worth a thousands words. Pictures will be my best proof to you that kids get most creative while in nature unsupervised. Yes, I sad unsupervised! In a safe and natural environment close to home. In the field next to your house. In the forest on your land…When you call they might be able to hear you. Somewhere where your motherly attention is always with and on them no matter what you do. There, in that safe piece of haven of theirs, kids will became little Gods and their creativity will flourish. They will become little batteries charged directly form the Mother Nature. Fully charged they are becoming mighty inventive dynamos. They will surprise you. They will even surprise themselves! But most important is aftermath of this nature excursions. Your children are becoming serene, grounded and full of bliss. Gift to every mother. Happy and blissful children.
They will use want ever they find to serve their creative play…Like this mini figures they made in big pile of dirt.


…or perhaps they will knock you down coming to your doorsteps like this… Time for clay bath I would say. Just look at their faces!

10464069_10152909109974348_7968388556625752649_nJust faces…well, I don’t think so.


No matter where they are, on the tree or in the grass, next to the big pile of send or in the garden, they will always find something creative to do. Most important it will make them truly happy. Simple tools like this bungee cords my little one found in the garage…who would think! He played with those for hours.


Using seaweed like jumping rope instead of some other plastic toy I didn’t want to provide.


Or again, play with the dirt. My favorite. Look at this super heroes and this mighty mud fist.


Here you would see, my kids obviously couldn’t look and this old table any more. Something needed to be done. Since our Mulberry tree was so grateful last summer, boys decided to use it’s gifts wisely.


Mommy even didn’t know what are these from the picture bellow. Kids introduced them to me. Little tree that was standing lonely (or I just though so) was powerful Autumn Olive my kids adore. Autumn Olive Berries contain high levels of vitamins A, C and E, and flavonoids and essential fatty acids. Lycopene is their main attraction, though. Lycopene, adds Clevidence, who heads ARS’ Phytonutrients Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, has generated widespread interest as a possible deterrent to heart disease and cancers of the prostate, cervix and gastrointestinal tract and who knows what else. For more info you can just click here.
Such a rich flavor this fruit has. We ate tons of these last year. My little harvesters are looking forward to the next summer’s devouring.


Bogdan, my five years old, disappeared into the early morning last September. I knew he is in the garden, sand pile, hay fort or climbing some tree… I was right. It was garden this time. The way I knew is because his spectacular show up with this huge Mammoth Sunflower on his back. Heave load on his back. He wrestled it almost whole morning. If you ever planted one of those, you will know it is not easy to get them down. Especially for this little fella. Anyway. He was so proud to show me his harvest he dragged all the way from the garden. Then on his own, he decided to save seeds for the next year. I was blown away.


You see, I was just an observer here. He had such great time.


All I want to say here is that we need to give some space to our kids. It is absolutely must. There is so much structural, academic, social and systematized educational school time in our culture. There, our children are always monitored, observed, directed and even conditioned. I feel it is our responsibility to provide these essential time for them to spend alone. Just being alone in the nature makes them present, grounded. Self-sufficient I would say.

Give power back to the children!
